About me

Learn more about the man behind the code

About me

Ever since I was old enough to reach the keyboard on my own, video games have been my passion.
After spending a few of my adulthood years trying out different jobs, in 2017 I finally decided
to follow my dreams and enrolled in JAMK University of Applied Sciences, with the goal of becoming a programmer.

That same year I also purchased my first VR headset, the HTC Vive. After my first VR experience
completely blew my mind, I realized the immense potential in this new technology and knew it was what I wanted to specialize in.

Since then, I've tried to learn all I can about Unity, C# and XR technology in general. I've done
projects, big and small, for both school groups as well as finnish companies. I graduated in 2021 and am currently working
on adding Unreal Engine, C++, .NET and others to my skillset.

I'm currently looking for more work and would like nothing more than to help other people bring their
dream projects to life, whether it's XR or not, PC or mobile, game, app or anything in between!